St Andrews this weekend

Cat about town of St Andrews

Hamish McHamish of St Andrews

Its a little wet here in St Andrews today but loads of things to do here over the weekend. Don’t forget to go and visit the Kelpie Maquettes and get a #selfiewithakelpie. They are only with us until 23rd October so enjoy them whilst they are still here. You must go and enjoy the University of St Andrews Madrigal Group at St Salvator’s Chapel, North Street, KY16 9AJ – 7.30 – 8.30 tonight. On Saturday there is a Craft Fair at the Victory Memorial Hall and a Vintage Fair at the Town Hall, no doubt lots of interesting purchases to be made. MUSA have a huge raft of activities to entertain the children over the school holidays especially if it is raining.  Even in the rain the beaches are fun although the St


Kelpie Maquettes installation

Andrews Aquarium is worth a visit if its chucking it down or the British Golf Museum then a lovely lunch at the Seafood ristorante

Have a great weekend and if you enjoy St Andrews loads please donate to the Winter Lighting fund.  I am looking forward to seeing myself in lights this Xmas.  Just click on this link ….purrfect!!

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