The second phase of our exciting Beach wheelchairs project is about to begin. A new walkway and viewing platform will enable safe access to the beach and its spectacular views for our wheelchair users and those with limited mobility for the first time.

Be part of this with our REACH THE BEACH sponsorship element where a limited number of interested individuals and businesses can be showcased as supporters of the boardwalk.

A brass plaque will identify the business or individual and will be placed on the viewing platform or boardwalk.

There will only be a limited number available.

A minimum donation of £200 is required but we welcome donations in excess of this. We would also hope to maximise these donations by claiming gift aid on them if you are a UK taxpayer.

If you would like to support this fantastic local project, please complete the details below:

  • Please make your donation by bank transfer to the Hamish Foundation, Account number: 10990027, Sort code 83 26 28. Please use your name as reference.
  • If you would rather send us a paper application please download the form here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.