Meet Maggie

Maggie Picken has lived in the St Andrews area for over 27 years and was originally educated at Madras College.

She is the owner of St Andrews Coach Houses, luxury self catered holiday accommodation at the edge of the working farm she runs with her husband John, just outside St Andrews.

Her childhood was spent in Boarhills and she then moved to Aberdeen to study Law. Her two year legal training was done in Edinburgh where she worked for several years before returning to St Andrews to marry John. She then worked with local law firm Murray Donald for over 17 years.

She has many different interests including tennis, skiing, running, swimming, riding, biking, travel and her pedigree sheep to name but a few.

She is also currently on the committee for the Association of Scottish Self Caterers the representative body for self catered accommodation throughout Scotland.

As a volunteer on the “Light up St Andrews” campaign Maggie believes passionately that St Andrews is a fantastic town that has so much to offer. She would love to see community engagement in the campaign as she feels the whole town would benefit. It would also give us all the opportunity to get to know new people and work together to make St Andrews a brighter and better town for us all to enjoy.

Committee Chair & Legal


Maggie Picken