Meet Linda-anne

I have lived in St Andrews for most of my life and have been directly and indirectly involved in retail in the town for more than 30 years.

I feel quite passionate about improving the facilities and lives for the youngsters and families in our local community.  In particular I am keen to develop the town in the winter festive season. We need a little cheer during the dull months of December and January and what better way to to showcase St Andrews to  its full potential and attract children and families to enjoy than to have lots going on with a winter festival illuminated by wonderful Festive Lights.

My husband Jerry and I now run a small Bed and Breakfast business in our home at Castlemount, on the Scores.  This gives us plenty of time during the day to help the Hamish Foundation raise the funds it so badly needs to fulfil our goals.


  • Chair of  St Andrews Bed and Breakfast Association
  • Vice Chair St Andrews  Bid Steering Committee


Head of Fundraising

Linda-Anne Beaulier